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AAC Conductor

All Aluminum Conductor (AAC) is made up of one or more hard drawn 1350 aluminum alloy wires twisted together.


  • Conductor
  • Hard drawn aluminium conductor


AAC aerial conductor has a high tensile strength, good corrosion resistance, light weight and comparable current carrying capacity. It is designed for medium and long spans, can be used for LV and MV distribution networks.


AAC aerial conductor has a high tensile strength, good corrosion resistance, light weight and comparable current carrying capacity. It is designed for medium and long spans, can be used for LV and MV distribution networks.


  • ASTM B231
  • IEC 207
  • DIN 48201
  • BS 215/1
  • AS 1531

ASTM – B 231 AAC Conductor Specifications

Code Word Size (AWG or kcmil) Stranding Diameter (ins.) Cross- Sectional Area (Sq. ins.) Weight Per 1000 ft. (lbs.) Rated Strength (lbs.) Resistance OHMS/1000 ft. Allowable Ampacity+ (Amps)
No. of Wires Class Individual Wires Complete Cable DC 20°C AC 75°C
Peachbell 6 7 A 0.0612 0.184 0.0206 25 563 0.658 0.805 103
Rose 4 7 A 0.0772 0.232 0.0328 39 881 0.414 0.506 138
Iris 2 7 AA, A 0.0974 0.292 0.0522 62 1350 0.260 0.318 185
Pansy 1 7 AA 0.1093 0.328 0.0657 78 1640 0.207 0.252 214
Poppy 1/0 7 AA, A 0.1228 0.368 0.0829 99 1990 0.164 0.200 247
Aster 2/0 7 AA, A 0.1379 0.414 0.1045 125 2510 0.130 0.159 286
Phlox 3/0 7 AA, A 0.1548 0.464 0.1317 157 3040 0.103 0.126 331
Oxlip 4/0 7 AA, A 0.1739 0.522 0.1663 198 3830 0.0817 0.0999 383
Sneezewort 250 7 AA 0.189 0.567 0.1964 234 4520 0.0691 0.0846 425
Valerian 250 19 A 0.1147 0.574 0.1963 234 4660 0.0691 0.0846 426
Daisy 266.8 7 AA 0.1952 0.586 0.2095 250 4830 0.0648 0.0793 443
Laurel 266.8 19 A 0.1185 0.592 0.2095 250 4970 0.0648 0.0793 444
Peony 300 19 A 0.1257 0.628 0.2358 281 5480 0.0576 0.0706 478
Tulip 336.4 19 A 0.1331 0.665 0.2644 315 6150 0.0514 0.0630 513
Daffodil 350 19 A 0.1357 0.679 0.2748 328 6390 0.0494 0.0605 526
Canna 397.5 19 AA, A 0.1446 0.723 0.312 373 7110 0.0435 0.0534 570
Goldentuft 450 19 AA 0.1539 0.769 0.3534 422 7890 0.0384 0.0472 616
Cosmos 477 19 AA 0.1584 0.792 0.3744 447 8360 0.0362 0.0445 639
Syringa 477.0 37 A 0.1135 0.795 0.3744 447 8690 0.0362 0.0445 639
Zinnia 500 19 AA 0.1622 0.811 0.3926 469 8760 0.0346 0.0425 658
Hyacinth 500 37 AA 0.1162 0.814 0.3924 469 9110 0.0346 0.0425 658
Dahlia 556.5 19 AA 0.1711 0.856 0.4369 522 9750 0.0311 0.0382 703
Mistletoe 556.5 37 AA 0.1226 0.858 0.4368 522 9940 0.0311 0.0382 704
Meadowsweet 600 37 AA 0.1273 0.891 0.4709 562 10700 0.0228 0.0355 738
Orchid 636.0 37 AA, A 0.1311 0.918 0.4995 596 11400 0.0272 0.0335 765
Heuchera 650 37 AA 0.1325 0.928 0.5102 609 11600 0.0266 0.0328 775
Verbena 700 37 AA 0.1375 0.963 0.5494 656 12500 0.0247 0.0305 812
Flag 700 61 A 0.1071 0.964 0.5495 656 12900 0.0247 0.0305 812
Violet 715.5 37 AA 0.1391 0.973 0.5623 671 12800 0.0242 0.0299 823
Nasturtium 715.5 61 AA 0.1083 0.975 0.5619 671 13100 0.0242 0.0299 823
Petunia 750.0 37 AA 0.1424 0.997 0.5893 703 13100 0.0230 0.0286 847
Cattail 750 61 AA 0.1109 0.998 0.5892 703 13500 0.0230 0.0286 847
Arbutus 795 37 AA 0.1466 1.026 0.6245 745 13900 0.0217 0.0270 878
Lilac 795.0 61 A 0.1142 1.027 0.6248 745 14300 0.0217 0.0270 879
Cockscomb 900 37 AA 0.156 1.092 0.7072 844 15400 0.0192 0.0239 948
Snapdragon 900 61 AA 0.1215 1.093 0.7072 844 15900 0.0192 0.0239 948
Magnolia 954.0 37 AA 0.1606 1.124 0.7495 894 16400 0.0181 0.0226 982
Goldenrod 954.0 61 A 0.1251 1.125 0.7498 894 16900 0.0181 0.0226 983
Hawkweed 1000 37 AA 0.1644 1.151 0.7854 937 17200 0.0173 0.0216 1010
Camellia 1000 61 AA 0.128 1.152 0.7849 937 17700 0.0713 0.0216 1011
Bluebell 1033.5 37 AA 0.1671 1.17 0.8114 969 17700 0.0167 0.0210 1031
Larkspur 1033.5 61 AA 0.1302 1.171 0.8122 969 18300 0.0167 0.0210 1032
Marigold 1113.0 61 AA, A 0.1351 1.216 0.8744 1043 19700 0.0155 0.0195 1079
Hawthorn 1192.5 61 AA, A 0.1398 1.258 0.9363 1118 21100 0.0145 0.0183 1124
Narcissus 1272.0 61 AA, A 0.1444 1.3 0.999 1192 22000 0.0136 0.0173 1169
Columbine 1351.5 61 AA, A 0.1488 1.34 1.0608 1267 23400 0.0128 0.0163 1212
Carnation 1431 61 AA, A 0.1532 1.378 1.1244 1341 24300 0.0121 0.0155 1253
Gladiolus 1510.5 61 A 0.1574 1.416 1.1869 1416 25600 0.0144 0.0147 1294
Coreopsis 1590.0 61 AA 0.1614 1.453 1.248 1490 27000 0.0109 0.0141 1333
Jessamine 1750.0 61 AA 0.1694 1.524 1.3748 1640 29700 0.00988 0.0129 1408
Cowslip 2000.0 91 A 0.1482 1.631 1.5697 1875 34200 0.00864 0.0115 1518
Sagebrush 2250 91 A 0.1572 1.73 1.7662 2130 37500 0.00776 0.0105 1612
Lupine 2500.0 91 A 0.1657 1.823 1.9623 2366 41900 0.00698 0.00969 1706
Bitterroot 2750 91 A 0.1738 1.912 2.1589 2603 46100 0.00635 0.00900 1793
Trillium 3000 127 A 0.1537 1.998 2.3564 2839 50300 0.00582 0.00834 1874
Bluebonnet 3500 127 A 0.166 2.158 2.7486 3345 58700 0.00499 0.00756 2024

DIN 48201 All Aluminium Conductor Specifications

No Q mm
16 15.89 7 1.7 5.1 2840 1.8018 44 110
25 24.25 7 2.1 6.3 4170 1.1808 67 145
35 34.46 7 2.5 7.5 5740 0.8332 94 180
50 49.48 7 3 9 7950 0.5786 135 225
50 48.36 19 1.8 9 8440 0.595 133 225
70 65.82 19 2.1 10.5 11250 0.4371 181 270
95 93.27 19 2.5 12.5 15650 0.3085 256 340
120 117 19 2.8 14 18750 0.2459 322 390
150 147.1 37 2.25 15.7 25250 0.1961 406 455
185 181.6 37 2.5 17.5 30450 0.1587 501 520
240 242.5 61 2.25 20.2 39350 0.1192 670 625
300 299.4 61 2.5 22.5 47550 0.0965 827 710
400 400.1 61 2.89 26 60700 0.0722 1105 855
500 499.8 61 3.23 29.1 74500 0.0578 1381 990
625 626.3 91 2.96 32.6 95000 0.0462 1733 1140
800 802.1 91 3.35 36.8 118200 0.0361 2219 1340
1000 999.7 91 3.74 41.1 145500 0.029 2766 1540

BS 215 AAC Conductor Specifications

Nominal Teorica No Q mm
MIDGE 22 23.33 7 2.06 6.18 3990 1.227 64
ANT 50 52.83 7 3.1 9.3 8280 0.5419 145
FLY 60 63.55 7 3.4 10.2 9900 0.4505 174
WASP 100 106 7 4.39 13.17 16000 0.2702 290
HORNET 150 157.6 19 3.25 16.25 25700 0.1825 434
CHARFER 200 213.2 19 3.78 18.9 35400 0.1349 587
COCKROACH 250 265.7 19 4.22 21.1 40400 0.1083 731
BUTTERFLY 300 322.7 19 4.65 23.25 48750 0.08916 888
CENTIPEDE 400 415.2 37 3.78 26.46 63100 0.06944 1145


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