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U1000 R2V/RO2V Copper Industrial Cable


U1000 R2V/RO2V

  • Rated voltage Uo/U
  • 0.6/1Kv
  • Conductor
  • 1.5mm2 to 4mm2: Class 1 solid copper core for S
  • 6mm2 and over: Class 2 solid for S ≥ 6 mm².
  • Insulation
  • PR / XLPE
  • Sheathing
  • UV- and weather-resistant black PVC

U1000 R2V/RO2V Application

  • U1000 R2V cable for low-voltage industrial installations and connections.
  • Power supply or connection of fixed substations.
  • Installation in cable trays on shelves or other supports, and on building risers, either ducted or buried, with mechanical protection.

U1000 R2V Cable Specification

Reference Cross-section (mm²) Approx. outside diameter (mm) Approx. mass (Kg/Km) Permissible current in amperes (1) Voltage drop V/A/Km cosØ=0.8
Open air 30°C In soil 20°C
1 round copper conductor Three-phase
R2V1.5 1 x 1.5 5.5 42 24 31 21
R2V2.5 1 x 2.5 5.8 53 33 41 13
R2V4 1 x 4 6.5 70 45 53 8.3
R2V6 1 x 6 7 94 58 66 5.5
R2V10 1 x 10 7.8 110 80 87 3.3
R2V16+ 1 x 16 8.7 195 107 113 2.1
R0V25+ 1 x 25 10.5 300 138 144 1.3
R0V35+ 1 x 35 11.5 390 169 174 1
R0V50+ 1 x 50 13 500 207 206 0.77
R0V70+ 1 x 70 15 720 268 254 0.55
R0V95+ 1 x 95 17 970 328 301 0.42
R0V120+ 1 x 120 18.1 1200 382 343 0.35
R0V150+ 1 x 150 20 1470 441 387 0.3
R0V185+ 1 x 185 22.1 1830 506 434 0.26
R0V240+ 1 x 240 25 2380 599 501 0.22
R0V300+ 1 x 300 38 3000 693 565 0.19
R0V400 1 x 400 31.5 3880 825 662 1.17
R0V500 1 x 500 38.5 4860 946 749 0.15
R0V630 1 x 630 43 6265 1088 851 0.14
2 round copper conductors Single-phase
R2VB1.5+ 2 x 1.5 8.1 100 26 37 25
R2VB2.5+ 2 x 2.5 8.9 120 36 48 15
R2VB4+ 2 x 4 10 170 49 63 9.6
R2VB6+ 2 x 6 11.5 230 63 80 6.3
R2VB10+ 2 x 10 13 330 86 104 3.8
R2VB16+ 2 x 16 15 480 115 136 2.4
R0VB25+ 2 x 25 18.5 750 149 173 1.6
R0VB35 2 x 35 20.5 950 185 208 1.2
3 round copper conductors Three-phase
R2VC1.5+ 3G1.5 8.6 110 23 31 21
R2VC2.5+ 3G2.5 9.5 150 31 41 13
R2VC4+ 3G4 10.5 200 42 53 8.3
R2VC6+ 3 x 6 12 290 54 66 5.5
R2VC10+ 3 x10 14 425 75 87 3.2
R2VC16+ 3 x16 16 640 100 113 2.1
3 round copper conductors Three-phase
R0VC25+ 3 x 25 20 950 127 144 1.3
R0VC35+ 3 x 35 22 1300 158 174 1
R0VC50+ 3 x 50 25.5 1740 192 206 0.75
R0VC70+ 3 x 70 30 2500 246 254 0.55
R0VC95+ 3 x 95 33.5 3340 298 301 0.42
R0VC120 3 x120 37 4150 346 343 0.35
R0VC150 3 x 150 41.5 5140 395 387 0.3
R0VC185 3 x 185 46 6350 450 434 0.26
R0VC240 3 x 240 52.5 8240 538 501 0.22
3 conductors + neutral copper round Three-phase
R0VC2516 3×25+16 22 1200 127 144 1.3
R0VC3516 3×35+16 23 1500 158 174 1
R0VC5025 3×50+25 27 2000 192 206 0.75
R0VC5035+ 3×50+35 27.2 2050 192 206 0.75
R0VC7035+ 3×70+35 31.5 2700 246 254 0.55
R0VC7050+ 3×70+50 32 3000 246 254 0.55
R0VC9550+ 3×95+50 35.5 3800 298 301 0.42
R0VC12070+ 3×120+70 39 4800 346 343 0.35
R0VC15070+ 3×150+70 43.5 5700 395 387 0.3
R0VC18570 3×185+70 47.7 6900 450 434 0.26
R0VC18595 3×185+95 48.5 7200 450 434 0.26
R0VC24095 3×240+95 54 9000 538 501 0.22
R0VC240120 3×240+120 55 9300 538 501 0.22
4 round copper conductors Three-phase
R2VD1.5+ 4G1.5 9.5 140 23 31 21
R2VD2.5+ 4G2.5 10.5 190 31 41 13
R2VD4+ 4G4 11.5 250 42 53 8.3
R2VD6+ 4 x 6 13.5 360 54 66 5.5
R2VD10+ 4 x 10 15.5 550 75 87 3.2
R2VD16+ 4 x 16 17.5 800 100 113 2.1
R0VD25+ 4 x 25 22 1250 127 144 1.3
R0VD35+ 4 x 35 21 1650 158 174 1
R0VD50+ 4 x 50 28 2200 192 206 0.75
R0VD70+ 4 x 70 32.5 3200 246 254 0.55
R0VD95+ 4 x 95 37 4250 298 301 0.42
R0VD120 4 x 120 41.5 5350 346 343 0.35
R0VD150 4 x 150 45 6450 395 387 0.3
R0VD185 4 x 185 51 8100 450 434 0.26
R0VD240 4 x 240 58 10500 538 501 0.22
5 round copper conductors Three-phase
R2VE1.5+ 5G1.5 11 170 23 31 21
R2VE2.5+ 5G2.5 12 230 31 41 13
R2VE4+ 5G4 13 320 42 53 8.3
R2VE6+ 5 x 6 15.5 450 54 66 5.5
R2VE10+ 5 x 10 17 670 75 87 3.2
R2VE16+ 5 x 16 20 1000 100 113 21
R2VE25 5 x 25 24.5 1540 127 144 1.3
R2VE35 5 x 35 28 2050 158 174 1

U1000 AR2V

  • Rated voltage Uo/U
  • 0.6/1Kv
  • Conductor
  • Alu round core, shrink-wired class 2
  • Insulation
  • PR / XLPE
  • Sheathing
  • UV- and weather-resistant black PVC

U1000 AR2V Application

  • U1000 AR2V can be used for industrial low-voltage installations and connections.
  • Power supply or connection of fixed substations.
  • Installation in cable trays on shelves or other supports, and on building risers in ducts or underground with mechanical protection.

U1000 AR2V Cable Specification

Reference Cross-section (mm²) Approx. outside diameter (mm) Approx. mass (Kg/Km) Permissible current in amperes (1) Voltage drop V/A/Km cosØ=0.8
Open air 30°C In soil 20°C
1 round copper conductor Three-phase
R2V1.5 1 x 1.5 5.5 42 24 31 21
R2V2.5 1 x 2.5 5.8 53 33 41 13
R2V4 1 x 4 6.5 70 45 53 8.3
R2V6 1 x 6 7 94 58 66 5.5
R2V10 1 x 10 7.8 110 80 87 3.3
R2V16+ 1 x 16 8.7 195 107 113 2.1
R0V25+ 1 x 25 10.5 300 138 144 1.3
R0V35+ 1 x 35 11.5 390 169 174 1
R0V50+ 1 x 50 13 500 207 206 0.77
R0V70+ 1 x 70 15 720 268 254 0.55
R0V95+ 1 x 95 17 970 328 301 0.42
R0V120+ 1 x 120 18.1 1200 382 343 0.35
R0V150+ 1 x 150 20 1470 441 387 0.3
R0V185+ 1 x 185 22.1 1830 506 434 0.26
R0V240+ 1 x 240 25 2380 599 501 0.22
R0V300+ 1 x 300 38 3000 693 565 0.19
R0V400 1 x 400 31.5 3880 825 662 1.17
R0V500 1 x 500 38.5 4860 946 749 0.15
R0V630 1 x 630 43 6265 1088 851 0.14
2 round copper conductors Single-phase
R2VB1.5+ 2 x 1.5 8.1 100 26 37 25
R2VB2.5+ 2 x 2.5 8.9 120 36 48 15
R2VB4+ 2 x 4 10 170 49 63 9.6
R2VB6+ 2 x 6 11.5 230 63 80 6.3
R2VB10+ 2 x 10 13 330 86 104 3.8
R2VB16+ 2 x 16 15 480 115 136 2.4
R0VB25+ 2 x 25 18.5 750 149 173 1.6
R0VB35 2 x 35 20.5 950 185 208 1.2
3 round copper conductors Three-phase
R2VC1.5+ 3G1.5 8.6 110 23 31 21
R2VC2.5+ 3G2.5 9.5 150 31 41 13
R2VC4+ 3G4 10.5 200 42 53 8.3
R2VC6+ 3 x 6 12 290 54 66 5.5
R2VC10+ 3 x10 14 425 75 87 3.2
R2VC16+ 3 x16 16 640 100 113 2.1
3 round copper conductors Three-phase
R0VC25+ 3 x 25 20 950 127 144 1.3
R0VC35+ 3 x 35 22 1300 158 174 1
R0VC50+ 3 x 50 25.5 1740 192 206 0.75
R0VC70+ 3 x 70 30 2500 246 254 0.55
R0VC95+ 3 x 95 33.5 3340 298 301 0.42
R0VC120 3 x120 37 4150 346 343 0.35
R0VC150 3 x 150 41.5 5140 395 387 0.3
R0VC185 3 x 185 46 6350 450 434 0.26
R0VC240 3 x 240 52.5 8240 538 501 0.22
3 conductors + neutral copper round Three-phase
R0VC2516 3×25+16 22 1200 127 144 1.3
R0VC3516 3×35+16 23 1500 158 174 1
R0VC5025 3×50+25 27 2000 192 206 0.75
R0VC5035+ 3×50+35 27.2 2050 192 206 0.75
R0VC7035+ 3×70+35 31.5 2700 246 254 0.55
R0VC7050+ 3×70+50 32 3000 246 254 0.55
R0VC9550+ 3×95+50 35.5 3800 298 301 0.42
R0VC12070+ 3×120+70 39 4800 346 343 0.35
R0VC15070+ 3×150+70 43.5 5700 395 387 0.3
R0VC18570 3×185+70 47.7 6900 450 434 0.26
R0VC18595 3×185+95 48.5 7200 450 434 0.26
R0VC24095 3×240+95 54 9000 538 501 0.22
R0VC240120 3×240+120 55 9300 538 501 0.22
4 round copper conductors Three-phase
R2VD1.5+ 4G1.5 9.5 140 23 31 21
R2VD2.5+ 4G2.5 10.5 190 31 41 13
R2VD4+ 4G4 11.5 250 42 53 8.3
R2VD6+ 4 x 6 13.5 360 54 66 5.5
R2VD10+ 4 x 10 15.5 550 75 87 3.2
R2VD16+ 4 x 16 17.5 800 100 113 2.1
R0VD25+ 4 x 25 22 1250 127 144 1.3
R0VD35+ 4 x 35 21 1650 158 174 1
R0VD50+ 4 x 50 28 2200 192 206 0.75
R0VD70+ 4 x 70 32.5 3200 246 254 0.55
R0VD95+ 4 x 95 37 4250 298 301 0.42
R0VD120 4 x 120 41.5 5350 346 343 0.35
R0VD150 4 x 150 45 6450 395 387 0.3
R0VD185 4 x 185 51 8100 450 434 0.26
R0VD240 4 x 240 58 10500 538 501 0.22
5 round copper conductors Three-phase
R2VE1.5+ 5G1.5 11 170 23 31 21
R2VE2.5+ 5G2.5 12 230 31 41 13
R2VE4+ 5G4 13 320 42 53 8.3
R2VE6+ 5 x 6 15.5 450 54 66 5.5
R2VE10+ 5 x 10 17 670 75 87 3.2
R2VE16+ 5 x 16 20 1000 100 113 21
R2VE25 5 x 25 24.5 1540 127 144 1.3
R2VE35 5 x 35 28 2050 158 174 1

U1000 RVFV

  • Nominal voltage Uo/U
  • 0.6/1Kv
  • Conductor
  • 1.5mm² to 4mm²: Class 1 solid copper core for S
  • 6mm2 and over: Class 2 rigid for S
  • Insulation
  • PR / XLPE
  • Inner sheath
  • PVC
  • Armor
  • steel tape
  • Sheath
  • PVC

U1000 RVFV Application

  • U1000 RVFV cable can be used for low-voltage industrial installations and connections.
  • Power supply or connection of fixed substations.
  • Laying in cable trays on shelves or other supports, and on building risers, either ducted or buried, with mechanical protection.

U1000 RVFV Cable Specification

Reference Cross-section (mm²) Approx. outside diameter (mm) Approx. mass (Kg/Km) Permissible current in amperes (1) Voltage drop V/A/Km cosØ=0.8
Open air 30°C In soil 20°C
Single phase
RVFVB1.5+ 2 x 1.5 7 100 26 37 25
RVFVB2.5+ 1 x 2.5 7.5 130 36 48 15
RVFVB4+ 1 x 4 8.5 180 49 63 9.6
RVFVB6+ 1 x 6 14 360 63 80 6.3
RVFVB10+ 1 x 10 16 480 86 104 3.8
RVFVB16+ 1 x 16 18 680 115 136 2.4
RVFVB25+ 1 x 25 22 980 149 173 1.6
RVFVB35+ 1 x 35 24 1250 185 208 1.2
RVFVC1.5+ 3G1.5 7.5 120 23 31 21
RVFVC2.5+ 3G25 8 160 31 41 13
RVFVC4+ 3G4 9.5 230 42 53 8.3
RVFVC6+ 3 x 6 15 450 54 66 5.5
RVFVC10+ 3 x 10 17 600 75 87 3.3
RVFVC16+ 3 x 16 19 820 100 113 2.1
RVFVC25+ 3 x 25 23 1200 127 144 1.3
RVFVC35+ 3 x 35 25 1600 158 174 1
RVFVC50+ 3 x 50 28 2000 192 206 0.77
RVFVC70+ 3 x 70 33 2800 246 254 0.55
RVFVC95+ 3 x 95 38 4100 298 301 0.42
RVFVC120+ 3 x 120 42 5000 245 343 0.35
RVFVC150+ 3 x 150 46 6000 399 387 0.3
RVFVC185+ 3 x 185 51 7400 456 434 0.26
RVFVC240 3 x 240 57 9500 598 501 0.2
3 round copper conductors + Neutral Three-phase
RVFVC3516 3 x 35+16 26 1710 158 174 1
RVFVC3525 3 x 35+25 27 1850 158 174 1
RVFVC5025 3 x50+25 30 2250 192 206 0.77
RVFVC5035+ 3 x 50+35 31 2400 192 206 0.77
RVFVC7035+ 3 x 70+35 34.5 3200 246 254 0.55
RVFVC7050+ 3 x 70+50 35.5 3300 246 254 0.55
RVFVC9550+ 3 x 95+50 40 4550 298 301 0.43
RVFVC12070+ 3 x 120+70 45 5650 346 343 0.35
RVFVC15070+ 3 x 150+70 48 6700 399 387 0.3
RVFVC18570+ 3 x 185+70 52 8000 456 434 0.26
RVFVC18595+ 3 x 185+95 53 8250 456 434 0.26
RVFVC24095+ 3 x 240+95 59 10200 538 501 0.22
4 conductors + round copper neutral Three-phase
RVFVD1.5+ 4G1.5 8 150 23 31 21
RVFVD2.5+ 4G2.5 9 190 31 41 13
RVFVD4+ 4G4 10 270 42 53 8.3
RVFVD6+ 4 x 6 16 510 54 66 5.5
RVFVD10+ 4 x 10 18 720 75 87 3.3
RVFVD16+ 4 x 16 21 1000 100 113 2.1
RVFVD25+ 4 x 25 25 1500 127 144 1.3
RVFVD35+ 4 x 35 28 2000 158 174 1
RVFVD50+ 4 x 50 31 2500 192 206 0.77
RVFVD70+ 4 x 70 38 3900 246 254 0.55
RVFVD95+ 4 x 95 42 5100 298 301 0.43
RVFVD120+ 4 x 120 47 6300 346 343 0.35
RVFVD150+ 4 x 150 51 7600 395 387 0.3
RVFVD185+ 4 x 185 56.5 9400 456 434 0.26
RVFVD240+ 4 x 240 63 12000 538 501 0.22
5 round copper conductors Three-phase
RVFVE1.5+ 5G 1.5 9 170 23 31 21
RVFVE2.5+ 5G 2.5 10 230 31 41 13
RVFVE4+ 5G 4 11 320 42 53 8.3
RVFVE6+ 5 x 6 18 620 54 66 5.5
RVFVE10+ 5 x 10 20 900 75 87 3.3
RVFVE16+ 5 x 16 22 1250 100 133 2.1
RVFVE25+ 5 x 25 27 1850 127 144 1.2


  • 0.6/1kV Power&control cables
  • XP C 32-111
  • With lead cover
  • Armoured (double steel tape:STA)
  • Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons resistant
  • Classification AD8 and AG4

U-1000 RGPFV-RH Applications

These power and control cables are used for electricity supply in low voltage installation system. They are well adapted to underground use in industrial applications, in moist areas, where hydrocarbon and mechanical protections are needed. The lead sheath brings an enhanced resistance to aromatics hydrocarbons.

U-1000 RGPFV-RH Specification

Nombre de conducteurs et section Number of cores and size mm2 Epaisseur d’isolement Insulation thickness mm Epaisseur de la gaine de plomb Lead sheath thickness mm Armure Armour mm Epaisseur de la gaine extérieure Outer sheath thickness mm Diamètre extérieur Outer diameter approx. mm Poids du câble Weight of cable approx. kg/km
2 x 1,5 RE 0,7 0,9 2 x 0,2 1,4 15,0 605
2 x 2,5 RE 0,7 0,9 2 x 0,2 1,4 15,0 615
2 x 4 RE 0,7 0,9 2 x 0,5 1,5 17,5 855
2 x 6 RM 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,5 19,5 1050
2 x 10 RM 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,6 21,0 1245
2 x 16 RM 0,7 1,1 2 x 0,5 1,6 24,0 1600
2 x 25 RM 0,9 1,2 2 x 0,5 1,7 27,0 2150
2 x 35 RM 0,9 1,3 2 x 0,5 1,8 30,0 2680
3 x 1,5 RE 0,7 0,9 2 x 0,2 1,4 15,0 585
3 x 2,5 RE 0,7 0,9 2 x 0,5 1,4 17,0 815
3 x 4 RE 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,5 18,0 975
3 x 6 RM 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,5 20,0 1145
3 x 10 RM 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,6 22,0 1385
3 x 16 RM 0,7 1,1 2 x 0,5 1,7 25,0 1815
3 x 25 RM 0,9 1,2 2 x 0,5 1,8 29,0 2460
3 x 35 RM 0,9 1,3 2 x 0,5 1,9 32,0 3085
3 x 50 RM 1,0 1,4 2 x 0,5 2,0 35,0 3910
3 x 70 RM 1,1 1,5 2 x 0,5 2,1 40,0 5140
3 x 95 RM 1,1 1,6 2 x 0,8 2,3 46,0 6985
3 x120 RM 1,2 1,7 2 x 0,8 2,4 50,0 8410
3 x150 RM 1,4 1,8 2 x 0,8 2,6 55,0 10070
3 x185 RM 1,6 1,9 2 x 0,8 2,7 60,0 12270
3 x240 RM 1,7 2,1 2 x 0,8 2,9 67,0 15315
4 x 1,5 RE 0,7 0,9 2 x 0,5 1,4 16,5 790
4 x 2,5 RE 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,5 18,0 950
4 x 4 RE 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,5 19,0 1045
4 x 6 RM 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,6 22,0 1290
4 x 10 RM 0,7 1,1 2 x 0,5 1,6 24,0 1640
4 x 16 RM 0,7 1,2 2 x 0,5 1,7 27,0 2155
4 x 25 RM 0,9 1,3 2 x 0,5 1,9 31,0 2965
4 x 35 RM 0,9 1,3 2 x 0,5 1,9 34,0 3600
4 x 50 RM 1,0 1,5 2 x 0,5 2,1 38,0 4730
4 x 70 RM 1,1 1,6 2 x 0,8 2,3 45,0 6720
4 x 95 RM 1,1 1,7 2 x 0,8 2,4 50,0 8530
4 x120 RM 1,2 1,8 2 x 0,8 2,6 55,0 10285
4 x150 RM 1,4 1,9 2 x 0,8 2,7 60,0 12365
4 x185 RM 1,6 2,0 2 x 0,8 2,9 66,0 15085
4 x240 RM 1,7 2,1 2 x 0,8 3,0 73,0 18415

U-1000 RGPFV-RH Specification – 2

Nombre de conducteurs et section Number of cores and size mm2 Epaisseur d’isolement Insulation thickness mm Epaisseur de la gaine de plomb Lead sheath thickness mm Armure Armour mm Epaisseur de la gaine extérieure Outer sheath thickness mm Diamètre extérieur Outer diameter approx. mm Poids du câble Weight of cable approx. kg/km
5 x 1,5 RE 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,5 18,0 925
5 x 2,5 RE 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,5 19,0 1025
5 x 4 RE 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,6 21,0 1175
5 x 6 RM 0,7 1,1 2 x 0,5 1,6 23,0 1525
5 x 10 RM 0,7 1,1 2 x 0,5 1,7 25,0 1880
5 x 16 RM 0,7 1,2 2 x 0,5 1,8 29,0 2470
5 x 25 RM 0,9 1,3 2 x 0,5 1,9 33,0 3415
5 x 35 RM 0,9 1,4 2 x 0,5 2,0 37,0 4305
5 x 50 RM 1,0 1,5 2 x 0,5 2,2 42,0 5645
5 x 70 RM 1,1 1,6 2 x 0,8 2,5 50,0 7935
5 x 95 RM 1,1 1,7 2 x 0,8 2,6 55,0 10115
5 x120 RM 1,2 1,8 2 x 0,8 2,8 61,0 12370
7 x 1,5 RE 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,5 19,0 995
7 x 2,5 RE 0,7 1,0 2 x 0,5 1,5 20,0 1145
12 x 1,5 RE 0,7 1,1 2 x 0,5 1,6 22,0 1285
12 x 2,5 RE 0,7 1,1 2 x 0,5 1,7 24,0 1520
19 x ,5 RE 0,7 1,1 2 x 0,5 1,7 25,0 1580
19 x 2,5 RE 0,7 1,2 2 x 0,5 1,8 27,0 1980
24 x 1,5 RE 0,7 1,2 2 x 0,5 1,8 28,0 1955
24 x 2,5 RE 0,7 1,3 2 x 0,5 1,9 31,0 2450
27 x 1,5 RE 0,7 1,3 2 x 0,5 1,9 29,0 2130
27 x 2,5 RE 0,7 1,3 2 x 0,5 1,9 31,0 2565
37 x 1,5 RE 0,7 1,3 2 x 0,5 1,9 31,0 2490
37 x 2,5 RE 0,7 1,4 2 x 0,5 2,1 35,0 3170


  • Nominal voltage Uo/U
  • 0.6/1Kv
  • Conductor
  • Alu round core class 2 wired
  • Insulation
  • PR / XLPE
  • Inner sheath
  • PVC
  • Armor
  • Double strap steel armor
  • Sheath
  • PVC

U1000 ARVFV Application

  • U1000 arvfv cable is used in power plants, substations, industrial plants, metropolitan networks and other electrical installations.
  • Applications where protection against severe mechanical damage is required.

U1000 ARVFV Cable Specification

Reference Cross-section (mm²) Approx. outside diameter (mm) Approx. mass (Kg/Km) Permissible current in amperes (1) Voltage drop V/A/Km cosØ=0.8
Open air 30°C In soil 20°C
2 wired round aluminum conductors Single-phase
ARVFB16 2 x 16 18 490 91 104 4
ARVFB25 1 x 25 22 700 108 133 2.5
ARVFB35 1 x 35 24 850 135 160 2
3 wired round aluminum conductors Three-phase (2)
ARVFC16 3 x 16 19 550 77 87 3.4
ARVFC25 3 x 25 23 770 97 111 2.2
ARVFC35 3 x 35 25 940 120 134 1.6
ARVFC50 3 x 50 28 1200 146 160 1.2
ARVFC70 3 x 70 33 1600 187 197 0.86
ARVFC95 3 x 95 38 2400 227 234 0.64
ARVFC120 3 x 120 42 2800 263 266 0.53
ARVFC150 3 x 150 47 3450 301 302 0.45
ARVFC185 3 x 185 51 4100 347 337 0.38
ARVFVC240 3 x 240 56.5 5000 409 388 0.31
3 aluminum conductors + round wired neutral Three-phase
ARVFC5035 3×50+35 31 1300 146 160 1.2
ARVFC7050 3×70+50 36 1800 187 197 0.86
ARVFC9550 3×95+50 40 2600 227 234 0.64
ARVFC12070 3×120+70 45 3100 263 266 0.53
ARVFC15070 3×150+70 49 3700 304 300 0.45
ARVFC18570 3×185+70 53 4300 347 337 0.38
ARVFC18595 3×185+95 54 4400 347 377 0.38
ARVFC24095 3×240+95 59 5300 409 388 0.31
4 wired round aluminium conductors Three-phase
ARVFD16 4 x 16 21 640 77 87 3.4
ARVFD25 4 x 25 25 900 97 111 2.2
ARVFD35 4 x 35 28 1100 120 134 1.6
ARVFD50 4 x 50 31 1400 146 160 1.2
ARVFD70 4 x 70 38 2300 187 197 0.86
ARVFD95 4 x 95 42 2800 227 234 0.64
ARVFD120 4 x 120 46 3400 263 266 0.53
ARVFD150 4 x 150 51 4050 304 300 0.45
ARVFD185 4 x 185 56 4900 347 337 0.38
ARVFD240 4 x 240 63 6050 409 338 0.31
5 wired round aluminium conductors Three-phase
ARVFE16 5 x 16 23 750 77 87 3.4
ARVFE25 5 x 25 28 1050 97 111 2.2
ARVFE35 5 x 35 30 1300 120 134 1.6
ARVFE50 5 x 50 34 1600 146 160 1.2


    If this page does not have the model you want, or if you need custom cable service, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.